Set http redirection for covenant

No.1 Preface

External c2 is not much to say, it is a technology to prevent the real c2 address from leaking and wasting resources and time after being banned by the Blue Team.

Well, the following describes how to set up http redirection for covenant c2.

No.2 Text

First configure apache on external vps.

Then, install apache.

apt-get install apache2

And open the forwarding module of apache.

a2enmod rewrite proxy proxy_http proxy_connect

After that, we can establish site configuration.

a2ensite 000-default.conf

Well, restart apache.

service apache2 restart

After apache is configured, set up a listen on covenant: (ConnectAddresses is set to the ip of apache, and the port should be the same as the port opened by apache.)


You can look at the profile after moving. (Because this is a demonstration, the Profile is the default and could be changed later according to your own needs.)


According to the profile, write forward on apache:

First, we need to edit the site profile,

vim /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-default.conf

And then, we could add under CustomLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/accessi.log combined

ProxyRequests off
ProxyPass /en-us/index.html http://xx.xx.xx.xx/en-us/index.html
ProxyPassReverse /en-us/index.html http://xx.xx.xx.xx /en-us/index.html
ProxyPass /en-us/docs.html http://xx.xx.xx.xx /en-us/docs.html
ProxyPassReverse /en-us/docs.html http://xx.xx.xx.xx /en-us/docs.html
ProxyPass /en-us/test.html http://xx.xx.xx.xx /en-us/test.html
ProxyPassReverse /en-us/test.html http://xx.xx.xx.xx /en-us/test.html

(xx.xx.xx.xx writes the ip of covenant c2 to forward the request to c2)

Restart apache after saving

service apache2 restart

Then edit the access conditions and jump successfully


Look at the effect:

Generate a binary loader.


And run successfully.


Network traffic can only see traffic to external vps.


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NO.4 Author

thr0cyte@Bounty Team - DBAPPSecurity